

Jeff Richards
Vice Captain

Mike Woodage
Quick Links: Barracudas Dolphins Bandits
Neville Allen | Patrick Barrow | Dave Bouttell | Bob Cockell |
Mary Cockell | Dave Dickinson | Ron Ellse | Barbara Flynn |
Roger Harper | Barry Jones | Wendy Jones | Maria Morawiec |
Frances Pont | Ernie Pope | Joyce Pope | Richard Potts |
John Ranger | Jeff Richards (C) | Linda Richards | Jeff Stevens |
Mike Woodage (VC) | Gail Carrigan | Peter Carrigan |
October 2024 | ||||
3/10/2024 – THURSDAY | 1 | BONALBA COLTS | AWAY | 5 – 5 |
17/10/2024 -THURSDAY | 2 | BBC BARRACUDAS | HOME | 4 – 6 |
21/10/2024 | 3 | CALPE ORCAS | AWAY | 2 – 8 |
24/10/2024 – THURSDAY | 9 | DOLPHINS | AWAY | 2 – 8 |
28/10/2024 | 4 | EL CID SWORDS | HOME | 10 – 0 |
November 2024 | ||||
04/11/2024 | 5 | BONALBA STEEDS | AWAY | 6 – 4 |
11/11/2024 | 6 | CALPE MARLINS | HOME | 8 – 2 |
18/11/2024 | 7 | EL CID SABRES | AWAY | 2 – 8 |
25/11/2024 | 8 | NO GAME | ||
December 2024 | ||||
02/12/2024 | 9 | NO GAME | ||
09/12/2024 | 10 | NO GAME | ||
Christmas Break | ||||
January 2025 | ||||
16/01/2025 – THURSDAY | 12 | DOLPHINS | AWAY | 9 – 1 |
22/01/2025 – RE-SCHEDULED – WEDNESDAY | 12 | BARRACUDAS | AWAY | 8 – 2 |
27/01/2025 | 14 | EL CID SWORDS | AWAY | 5 – 5 |
February 2025 | ||||
03/02/2025 | 15 | BONALBA STEEDS | HOME | 8 – 2 |
06/02/2025 – RE-SCHEDULED – THURSDAY | 11 | BONALBA COLTS | HOME | 10 – 0 |
10/02/2025 | 16 | CALPE MARLINS | AWAY | 8 – 2 |
17/02/2025 | 17 | EL CID SABRES | HOME | 6 – 4 |
20/02/2025 | 13 | NO GAME | ||
24/02/2025 | 18 | NO GAME | ||
March 2025 | ||||
03/03/2025 | 19 | NO GAME | ||
10/03/2025 | 20 | NO GAME |
All leagues shall be played under the ‘Laws of the Sport of Bowls – Crystal Mark Fourth Edition’ (including domestic regulations for Federacion Espanola de Bolos)
2.1 The LLB Form a “Match Committee” which will act as a sub-committee of the LLB, their role will be to ensure the Rules and COP’s are kept up to date and provide a solid platform for all bowls within the LLB to function. Match Committee to compromise the following
Winter League Co-ordinator
Southern League Co-ordinator
Northern League Co-ordinator
SABA Summer Co-ordinator
SABA Winter Co-ordinator
This “Match Committee” will then, for the purpose of ALL LLB Competitions (leagues & knockouts), become the “Controlling Body” and all decisions made will be final.
Yearly at the AGM or at any EGM the Match Committee may propose NEW or ALTERED playing conditions which will need to be voted on by the members of the LLB
2.2 Dress Code – The LLB Dress Code must be strictly adhered to (current issue 21st November 2017) – if not refer to LLB Constitution item 3 (a).
2.3 Leaving the Green – Any player who leaves the green during a match, for any purpose, may do so (in line with Law 32) but they may NOT be involved in any direction etc of the play in progress until they return to and are on their rink of play for that match.
2.4 Scoreboards – In any match where there are points awarded for “overall shots”, all scoreboards must remain uncovered and showing the FINAL score on the rink until all rinks have completed their game.
2.5 Appeal/Complaint – If an appeal/complaint/query is made, it should be made to the relevant League Co-ordinator no later than 24 hours after the game affected. Any late challenges cannot affect the result of the match.
2.6 Appendices:
9.A Winter League
9.B Berleen League
9.C Southern League
9.D Northern League
9.E Challenger League
9.F South Alicante Winter & Spring/Summer Leagues
9.G VCL League
3.1 Any Club wishing to enter Side(s) in any League must make application to the relevant League Co-ordinator or Committee on a seasonal basis. It is the responsibility of Clubs to ensure green space is a priority for League fixtures, to include re-arranged matches.
3.2 Any additional/new Side entered in a League will automatically go into the lowest division of that League.
3.3 Should there be at any time more than 1 (one) Side from any Club in any of the Leagues, such Sides shall play each other as early as possible in each half of the season.
3.4 At the start of any season a player who is a member of more than 1 (one) Club MUST nominate to the relevant Club Secretaries which Club they will play ALL Leagues from for that season. They then pay their annual Federation fee through that nominated Club.
3.5 (A) When a person wishes to leave their club to go to another, they apply for a clearance letter to hand to the new club along with their membership application. It is then up to the new club to decide how to handle any information given.
If the player has played in the league for the club that they are leaving in the current
Season, they are allowed to play for their new club in the league once the
Membership Secretary of the receiving club has sent a change form to the LLB
Membership Secretary
(B) However, that player cannot then subsequently move to and play for another
Club in the Leagues or return to and play for their previous club in the leagues
Within The same season. The definition of a season being 1 league campaign
3.6 In the event of any Club having to withdraw a side from any league, any player who has played in the side being withdrawn will be eligible to play for another side from the Club during that season.
3.7 If a club at any time withdraws a side from a league this will not affect their entry(s) for the same season the following year.
3.8 Entry fees – as agreed by the Governing Body
4.1 Singles will be played to 21 (twenty one) shots. Pairs, triples and fours will be played to 18 (eighteen) ends.
5.1 For each team 2 (two) points will be awarded for a win, 1 (one) point for a draw and 0 (nil) points for a loss; 2 (two) points will be awarded for overall shot difference with 1(one) point each if the overall shots are the same.
5.2 The Side, in any League, with the highest number of points at the completion of that League in that season will be declared the winner. In the event of a tie on points ‘shot difference will determine the winners.
6.1 The home Captain will decide on the rinks to go in the draw.
6.2 Where a Club has two (2) legal greens the home Captain will decide which green will be used.
5.3 Should a friendly be played then they will be included with the other teams in the draw for rinks.
7.1 The home Captain will populate the Result Sheet with his players the fixture details and the date and time of the match. When the Away captain arrives and the draw has been made he will fill in the results sheet with his players on the corresponding rinks as per the draw. Following the game the scores will be entered the total shots and total points gained. Both Captains will confirm the result by signing the sheet. The sheet will then be photographed by a member of the home team and sent to the league coordinator in accordance with the relevant appendices for each league. All teams must try to have the results in to the league within two hours of the game finishing. There will be no penalty applied for failure to do so
7.2 All scorecards MUST be completed with the FULL names of those taking part in the match. Scorecards will be retained by the respective Club and be produced on demand by/to the relevant League Co-ordinator.
7.3 At the end of any given season The League coordinator will give the trophy to the winning club, an email confirming this is sent to the club’s secretary, and the LLB Secretary.
The Club secretary must acknowledge the receipt of the trophy in writing
The email will state that it is the club’s responsibility to make sure the trophy is returned to the 1st LLB meeting after the league is complete the following year, ready for presentation to the next years winners. The trophy should still be returned even if the same club wins the league competition again.
The club must also agree to have the trophy engraved before it is returned the following April
If the club are unable to return the trophy the following April due to not knowing where it is they must purchase a replacement trophy and ensure the winners history is engraved on the trophy to ensure the history of the LLB is maintained. This trophy must be presented to the LLB at the 1st meeting following the completion of the league the following year.
8.1 Postponed – Any League fixture can only be re-arranged due to (a) adverse weather conditions either by mutual agreement or at the discretion of the home Captain, OR (b) if the green to be used is not playable. The relevant League Co-ordinator to be advised on that day by 9.00pm by all teams involved. Any exceptional circumstances should be referred to the League Co-ordinators whose decision is final.
8.2 Where adverse weather conditions occur the Home team should give at least 1.1/2 hours notice before the due start time of the match that it is being cancelled.
Clubs can, by mutual agreement play games(other than the final game of the season) earlier than the scheduled date But NOT later than the scheduled date. All agreed changes are to be notified to the league coordinator by both clubs. Without agreement of both clubs the fixture cannot be moved
8.3 Unable to Field a Full Side – Should a Club give prior notification by email, with a minimum of 48 hours notice, to their opposition that they will be unable to field a full side, then the opposition can if they wish similarly field that number of teams in their side with no penalty. The defaulting side will still incur the penalty points as 8.8. Any last minute provision of an extra team(s) by the defaulting side would be null and void.
Any exceptional circumstances should be referred to the relevant League Co-Ordinator whose decision is final.
8.4 Stoppages – When a match is stopped, due to adverse weather conditions which make the green unplayable, and cannot be resumed on the same day, the match shall be deemed to be completed provided two thirds (2/3rds) of the scheduled number of ends have been completed (excluding any singles match(s) the score standing at the point of stoppage).
8.5 New Dates – A re-arranged date must be agreed by the Clubs concerned within 48 hours and the match played within 14 (fourteen) days of the original date. This must be notified to the relevant League Co-ordinator by all the teams involved. Should the 2 (two) Clubs involved be unable to agree a date the matter will immediately be referred to the relevant League Co-ordinator. A date will be given and if the Clubs concerned cannot agree then the match is deemed not played and both sides will have a penalty of 2 (two) points.
The exception being the final game of the program which MUST be played within 7 (seven) days of the scheduled date. If this fails then it is referred to the relevant Committee whose decision is final.
8.6 Substitutes – A date for a resumed match must be agreed within 48 hours by the Clubs concerned with condition 8.4 applying. The scores will be as they were when the game was stopped. If necessary a team may have the following substitutes – 1 (one) in pairs, 2 (two) in triples, 3 (three) in fours Substitutes may not Skip. If more substitutes in a team are needed then the team will be forfeit.
(Law 32, Law 33.4 and Law 5.1.1)
8.7a After commencement of a game should a player be unable to continue, then with the agreement of both skips, a substitute (if available) may be used but may NOT play skip. There can be NO substitute in a singles game which will therefore be forfeited. A player who is changed prior to the commencement of the match is NOT deemed to be a substitute – they are a Replacement
8.7b When a Club has more than one side in a league then all players are interchangeable between sides following the conditions detailed below.
For the purpose of these conditions a “Player” may be a “Replacement” prior to the game starting or a “Substitute” once a game has commenced.
Once a player has made an appearance in a side that becomes their original side and he/she may play in that side or any side that is placed in a higher division. (When a club has two sides in the same division, they must nominate to the relevant coordinator which side is 1 (Higher) and which is 2 (Lower) prior to the season start)
The opposition captain MUST be informed before any player plays in a side that is not their original side. This MUST be highlighted on the Result Sheet using an Asterix “*”
A side can use a maximum of 3 non-original Players per game.
8.8 Playing a Team Short – 2 (two) points and 10 (ten) shots will be awarded to the opposition for each team not played. However, if a team starts but cannot finish a match, for whatever reason, the offending side will not lose 2 (two)points.
8.9 Penalties – When, during a match, a player has to retire and there is no substitute available, then 2 (two) points and 10 (ten) shots will be awarded to the opposition for that team where the result is a 10 (ten) shot difference or less. However, if the shot difference is more than 10 (ten) shots the actual shot difference will stand, plus the 2 (two) points.
8.10 When, after a match has finished, it is identified that a team(s) played is in default, then 2 (two) points and 10 (ten) shots will be awarded to the opposition for each team in default where the result is a 10 (ten) shot difference or less. However, if the shot difference is more than 10 (ten) shots the actual shot difference will stand, plus the 2 (two) points. If the whole Side does not play then the offending side will lose 20 points An additional 2 (two) points will be awarded to the opposition in lieu of overall shot difference.
8.11 Where the Rule for a League, under the relevant Appendix, specifies that a Side/Team must be mixed, then violation of the Rule will be deemed that a team(s) has not played and Rules 8.8 and 8.10 will apply
If a full Side plays, but in violation of this Rule, then the relevant League Co-ordinator will decide which team(s) in that Side will be forfeit.
8.12 Green Fees – On each default occasion the offending side, home or away, will be responsible for paying the green fees for the number of team(s) not played.
A1 The maximum number of entries will be limited to 12 (twelve)
A2 Each Club may submit 2 (two) entries with 1 (one) initially being accepted. Should extra teams be required to make up the 12 (twelve) entries then the extra ones will go into a draw.
A3 Each side will comprise 4 (four) teams of 4 (four) players.
A4 The side must be mixed.
A5 Clubs who share Club and Bowling Green facilities can join forces to be able to enter a combined Winter League Side.
A6 Results MUST be confirmed by submission of the League Result Sheet by 9pm on the day of the match to the League Coordinator.
A7 The designated day for the league to be played is Wednesday.
A8 Use of Law 39.2.2 (playing a player short in a rinks team). This may only be applied to 1 (one) team in a Side and used twice by that Side in a playing season Thereafter 8.8 will apply
Aa1 Before the start of the season each Club must declare if they will be playing in this league (either not at all or 1 (one) team). If a Club does not meet their commitment at any time then the default Rule 8.8 and 9.2 will apply.
Aa2 The fixture list for this League will be the same as that for the Winter League.
Aa3 Each team must comprise of 4 (four) players of single or mixed sex.
B1 Each Club may enter up to a maximum of 4 (four) sides and each side must be mixed.
B2 Each side will consist of 5 (Five) teams of 3 (three) players.
B3 The league will be divided into 3 (three) divisions with promotion and relegation each season. This will be reviewed and discussed before the beginning of each season, when entries are known, to equalise the divisions as best as possible.
B4 Results MUST be submitted on the League Result Sheet by 9pm on the day of the match to the League Coordinator.
B5 The designated day for the league to be played is a Friday.
B6 The Official start time is 10.00am with trial ends starting at 9.45am. An allowance of 15 minutes, from the Official start time, will be made for late arrivals after which Rule 8.8 will be applied -playing a Side short.
B7 North v South Play Off – The side finishing top of the Southern League Division ‘A’ shall play off against the Northern League Winner as directed by the LLB the date being set in the Calendar and the venue to be advised.
The overall winner will be decided by the most points won (there will be NO points awarded for overall shot difference.) If points are equal, a team from each club will be drawn by the Umpire and play an extra end on a neutral rink (if possible).
C1 Each Club may enter a maximum of 3 (three) sides and each side must be mixed.
C2 Each side will consist of 4 (four) teams of 3 (three) players.
C3 The results MUST be confirmed by the submission of the League Result Sheet by 9pm on the day of the match to the League Coordinator.
C4 North v South Play-off – The Side finishing top of the Northern League shall play off against the Southern League Division ‘A’ Winner as directed by the LLB
Any team unable to fulfil a home fixture due to the unavailability of their home green will play it on a neutral green (notice of dates will be given before the season starts.) If a side cannot play on the pre-arranged dates then that side will forfeit the game. The overall winner will be decided by the most points won (there will be NO points awarded for overall shot difference). If points are equal a team from each club will be drawn by the Umpire and play an extra end on a neutral rink (if possible
Cc1 Before the start of the season each Club must declare if they require a team in the Challengers League, to play alongside 1 (one) of their Northern League Sides.
Cc2 Only 1 (one) Team allowed per Side.
Cc3 If a Team does not meet their commitment at any time then 8.8 will apply.
Cc4 The fixture list for this League will be the same as that for the Northern League.
Cc5 Each Team must comprise of 3 (three) players of single or mixed sex.
Cc6 The Team with the highest total of shots will be awarded 2 (two) points.
Cc7 If the match result is a tie each Team will be awarded 1 (one) point.
Cc8 Failing to fulfil a fixture will result in a penalty of 2 (two) points and 10 (ten) shots being awarded to the opposition.
Cc9 Please refer to Rule 3.6 re Interchange of Players.
D1 Each Club may enter a maximum of 4 (four) sides and each side must be mixed
D2 FOR THE WINTER SEASON – each side will consist of 5 (Five) teams of 3 (three) players.
D3 FOR THE SPRING/SUMMER SEASON – each side will consist of 5 (five) teams of 3 (three) players.
D4 The results MUST be confirmed by the submission of the League Result Sheet by 9pm on the day of the match to the League Coordinator.
D5 The designated day for the leagues to be played is a Monday in the Winter and Spring/Summer
D6 The Official start time is 10.00am with trial ends starting at 9.45am. An allowance of 15 minutes, from the Official start time, will be made for late arrivals after which Rule 8.8 will be applied -playing a Side short.
D7 Promotion and relegation between the Leagues should be reviewed and discussed before the start of each season, when entries have been received. This will allow the Divisions to be equalised as best as possible.
E1 Each Club may enter a maximum of 4 (four) sides with at least 2 (two) members of each side being of the opposite sex.
E2 Each side will comprise – Ladies’ Singles, Men’s Singles, Pairs, Triples and 1 (one) Fours .
E3 The host Club to supply Markers for Singles games.
E4 2 (two) Leagues will be formed, one comprising of Southern Clubs and the other of Northern Clubs.
If necessary 2 or more Divisions may be formed in each Region.
E5 Promotion/relegation – This will be reviewed and discussed before the beginning of each season, when entries are known, to equalise the divisions as best as possible.
E6 Results MUST be confirmed by submission of the League Result Sheet by 9pm on the day of the match to the League Co-ordinator.
E7 The designated day for the league to be played is Wednesday.
E8 Use of Law 39.2.2 (playing a player short in a rinks team). This may only be applied to 1 (one) team in a Side and used twice by each side (if applicable) in the playing season. Thereafter Rule 8.8 will apply.
E9 North v South Play off – The side finishing top of the northern league shall play off against there Southern league division A winner.
This will be played on a neutral green to be decided by the LLB Committee
The overall winner will be decided by the most points won (there will be NO points awarded for overall shot difference). If points are equal, a fours team from each side will be drawn (before the start of play) to play an extra end. This extra end to be played on a neutral rink if possible.
The Club Bowling Britanico Alicante & Provincia (CBBA) is officially registered at Calle Edf. El Cid s/n. Benidoleig, 03759 Alicante.
- Assisting to maintain in every bowling area of Spain a single Federation with a view to effective organisation of the game under the Laws of the Sport adopted by the World Bowls Board.
- To work closely with the Lawn Bowls Directorate under the Chairmanship of the Lawn Bowls Director.
- The internal rules are to run alongside, but not against, the articles of the FEB and Spanish Constitution by which we are bound.
- Selecting representative teams for inter regional matches.
- Holding annual inter club league competitions.
- Holding annual regional Championships.
- Holding any other tournaments considered desirable.
- Deciding, when called on to do so by any other club, questions of Law and Practice and acting as Arbitrator in all differences which may arise.
- Making, adopting, varying and publishing laws, bye-laws and conditions for the regulation of bowls on the Costa Blanca and taking all such steps as shall be deemed advisable for the enforcing of such laws, bye-laws and conditions.
- All clubs must pay an annual affiliation fee to the FEB. This fee is for the Calendar year starting January 1st and must be paid to the LLB account by January 31st. If it is not paid by the due date the offending club will not be allowed to play in any events after this date.
- Membership consists of all bowls clubs on the Levante region who apply to join the LLB and on being accepted pay on demand whatever fees are stipulated. All member clubs are bound to comply with all LLB rules and regulations. Application for membership shall be considered at any LLB Committee meeting and approved by a simple majority.
- A club at the time of being initially accepted as a member of the LLB, must have its own premises on which to play inter club events, tournaments, leagues etc. Should, during a season, the Club’s premises not be available they may with the consent of the LLB Committee approach another club(s) to use their premises to fulfil their outstanding fixtures. They may commit themselves to future inter club activities provided assurances can be given that alternative premises are available.
- Individuals – (a) must be a member of an affiliated club having paid the due fee to the owner and if appropriate the annual membership to the club. (b) Must have paid the relevant annual Federation fee. (c) To then participate in ANY LLB event must be (a) and (b) and pay any subsequent fee required to enter said event.
- Participants in all matches, tournaments and competitions under the patronage of the LLB must observe the LLB dress code at all times. Failure to do so will result in that player being unable to play in that match/tournament/league/competition whilst incorrectly dressed.
- Club coloured shirts may be worn at all LLB sponsored events as per the LLB dress code. Players selected to play in provincial matches will be excluded from doing so.
- Where a club elects to wear other coloured upper body clothing (other than their registered club shirts) it is at the club’s discretion and their control.
- Clubs may adopt to wear coloured lower body clothing (in accordance with the LLB dress code) which must be registered with the LLB and worn by the whole side.
- Footwear designed for playing bowls is to be worn. If footwear not designed for bowling is purchased, then they MUST have a flat smooth heel-less sole added. Sandals and other open shoes MUST have a back strap.
- The LLB shall hold an Annual General Meeting normally in March/April, at which the election of Officers will take place and proposals voted on.
- Notice of this meeting shall be given to all member clubs by the LLB Secretary at least 13 weeks prior to the date of the AGM. At the same time the LLB Secretary will issue each club separate nomination and proposal forms. This will give each clubs Committee time to hold meetings to consider their nominations and proposals for the AGM.
- All proposals for consideration at the AGM shall be submitted to the LLB Secretary at least 6 weeks prior to the date of the AGM. No new proposals will be accepted at the AGM.
- Nominations for Officers must have a proposer and Seconder and be signed by the nominee and the completed nomination form must be countersigned by the club Secretary or a Senior Club Officer who may not be one of the original proposers or Seconders. The Form will then be returned to the LLB Secretary at least 6 weeks prior to the date of the AGM when nominations for Officers will close.
- The Secretary must ensure that the categorised list of proposals is issued to clubs prior to the February meeting. The Categorised list of Nominations will be issued within 7 days of (d). The clubs will then have 14 days to amend any of their own proposals if they wish. Any such amendments must be sent to the Secretary. The Secretary will then send out an amended list to the clubs not less than 14 days before the AGM.
- In the event of any Officer positions being left vacant after voting has taken place at the AGM nominations may be accepted and voted for at the meeting.
- The Officers will comprise of:
President (Delegado)
Vice President (Chair)
Membership Secretary
Membership Treasurer
Winter League Co-ordinator
Northern League Co-ordinator
Southern League Co-ordinator
South Alicante Co-ordinator Winter
South Alicante Co-ordinator Summer
Associate Co-ordinator
Tour Co-ordinator North and South.
Hereinafter referred to as the Officers with NO voting rights
They must have paid the annual club membership fee (if applicable).
- The President (Delegado) shall be elected every 4 years to coincide with the election year of the FBVC President. The President (Delegado) may stand for re-election.
- All Officers elected shall serve for a period of one year only but are eligible for re-election.
- Any person may be nominated for more than one of the Officer positions but may only be elected to one office always providing they have signed a nomination acceptance.
- In the event there should only be one candidate for a position they shall be elected with no voting process. Where there is more than one nomination for an Office there will be a paper vote and the candidate with the most votes will be duly elected. In the event of a tie a second, and if necessary further, votes to take place until a majority vote is reached.
- Elected Officers shall not, by reason of their position, receive any pecuniary gain or have any paid position within the LLB.
- Any Officer who receives any form of payment as a result of their LLB duties other than from the Treasurer will hand all such payments to the Treasurer who will keep an account of those payments. Any Officer who incurs personal expense whilst carrying out LLB duties may claim these back by submitting an itemised claim to the Treasurer at LLB each meeting following the event in which the expenses occurred. This is to include the continued practice of paying travel expenses, amount as agreed by the Committee, to attend any LLB meeting.
An Extraordinary General Meeting can be called, (An EGM is usually appended to the nearest Committee Meeting).
- At the direction of the LLB Committee
- By any 3 Member Clubs giving notice to the LLB Secretary in writing
setting forth clearly the specific business for such a meeting.
- Where proposals are to be submitted, thereby requiring a vote, these must be sent to the LLB Secretary to issue them to all the Clubs, for them to discuss with their members, at least 5 weeks before the date of the EGM.
- The Committee shall comprise the Officers, who have no voting rights, plus 2 representatives from each member club but with only 1 voting right per club. The representatives from each club are responsible for:
- Attending LLB Meetings
- Reporting back to their Club Committee and Members the outcome of such meetings
- Ensuring a copy of any Minutes from these meetings is placed on their club noticeboard.
- Ensuring that any other notices etc are placed on their club notice board, i.e. Calendar of events, Contact Lists, Generic Rules etc. and that they are up to date.
- LLB Calendar: The annual events on the Calendar will gradually creep forward if manual intervention is not undertaken. To overcome this every 5 years the LLB Secretary will intervene and move the Calendar back by 1 week.
- The Committee shall meet at whatever frequency it deems necessary with no less than 6 meetings per year with at least 40% of member clubs forming a quorum. At any such meeting the Chairperson shall have the casting vote in the event of any tied decision on any matter not related to that position.
- Officers failing to attend at least four meetings within their year of office shall be deemed to have resigned their position unless a valid reason for such absence is given to and accepted by the Committee. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt replacements for such resigned Officers without calling an EGM.
- The Committee shall have the powers to form sub-Committees as and when necessary for a period of up to 11 months and sub-Committees may co-opt such persons that they consider have special skills to serve on such sub-Committees providing that the number of such co-opted members do not form a majority. All resolutions of the sub-Committee shall be referred to the LLB Committee for ratification unless the LLB Committee has given the sub-Committee delegated powers to do otherwise.
- At meeting of the Committee a proposal or an amendment to a proposal must be put forward by a member Club and seconded by another member club or by an LLB Officer and seconded by another LLB Officer before final voting takes place. Once the vote has taken place at the meeting and the proposal has been endorsed by the membership the proposal shall be written into the Rules of the LLB.
- On matters relating to Southern and South Alicante Leagues Northern Clubs may not submit a proposal relating to these. Nor may they second any proposal submitted by a Southern club or at any meeting vote on these matters. On matters relating to Northern Leagues Southern clubs may not submit a proposal relating to this nor may they second any proposal submitted by a Northern club at any meeting vote on these matters.
The Treasurers shall keep proper accounts and present them at the AGM.
The Annual Accounts shall be prepared to the last day of February and submitted to the auditor. Treasurers’ reports shall be given at each LLB meeting. Bank accounts shall be maintained in the name of the CBBA and all cheques or withdrawals are to be authorised by any two of the three signatories authorised by the LLB Committee. The LLB cheque books should be available at all times and in the possession of one of these persons.
An Auditor shall be appointed at the AGM for each Fiscal Year. Such auditor shall not be an Officer of the LLB nor a relative of an Officer.
The Auditor if possible shall attend the AGM or if unable to be present should provide the Secretary with a written report to be read out at the AGM.
- Initially any complaints or allegations against a club or its member(s) made by another club or its member(s) should be made in writing by the Club Secretary of the complainant to the Secretary of the club involved. It is hoped that the Clubs involved, through their own complaints/disciplinary procedures can resolve the matter satisfactorily. If not then…..
- Any Member Club or any individual member of any Member Club may make a complaint to the LLB against another member club or any of its members that alleges misconduct or conduct likely to bring the game or the LLB into disrepute. Such complaint must be in writing and be delivered to the Secretary of the LLB 2 weeks prior to any Committee meeting. The complainant shall also send a copy of the written complaint to the Club Secretary or the Member about whom the complaint is made. If this ruling is not complied with the LLB Committee will not consider the matter.
- If the LLB Committee considers the complaint both merits and is suitable for consideration by the LLB as a possible infringement of the disciplinary code as opposed to a matter for Arbitration under item 1(b) of the opening section of this constitution a sub-Committee shall be appointed to meet within 14 days of appointment to consider the matter. Thereafter the sub-Committee may adjourn to further dates where necessary to complete its enquiries, but shall act as expeditiously as possible. The Sub-Committee shall notify the parties involved of all meetings of the sub-Committee when evidence and argument is to be heard, and of their right to be present, make representations and call witnesses. Once the sub-Committee decision is made it will be communicated to all parties involved.
- Any party against whom the complaint is proved in whole or in part, or who considers the disciplinary penalty imposed is unreasonable, may appeal in writing against the decision to the Secretary of the LLB within 14 days. The appeal will then be considered by an appeals Committee consisting of the President, Chairperson and Secretary. In the event of those Officers having an interest a neutral third member will be appointed by the other two Officers.
- Any club or individual club member can be reprimanded or otherwise disciplined as determined by the sub-Committee, or Appeals Committee. The penalties that may be imposed under this code shall be, Admonishment, Reprimand, or Suspension from playing for a fixed period in any competition sponsored or organised by the LLB. Any such Penalty shall be made known at the next meeting of the Committee.
- All play and competitions shall be in accordance with the Laws of the Game currently in force in Spain unless amended by the Controlling Body of that competition and shall be binding on all participants at all times.
- The honour of hosting competitions will be decided by vote at the appropriate LLB meetings. All clubs wishing to be considered should apply in writing to the secretary when invited to do so. Each application should detail the benefits, financial and otherwise, to the LLB of selecting the clubs offer. Clubs are allowed to submit applications in consecutive years and it is up to the committee meeting to decide who should be allowed to host the tournament.
If two clubs bids are the same or similar in terms of benefits to the LLB, and one of those clubs hosted the previous year, the club providing the new bid will be selected as the main host for that year.
Once the main host has been selected, the supporting clubs will be voted on from all those clubs entering a bid.
- The LLB Committee shall have the power to make such bye-laws as it is deemed advisable for the management of the LLB and the conduct of play, these bye-laws to be ratified etc at the next AGM or EGM whichever is soonest. The Committee may make provision for any contingency not provided for in the foregoing rules. These provisions and bye-laws shall be posted in a prominent place on the notice boards of member clubs and shall be binding until ratified at the aforementioned meeting.
NOTE: It should be appreciated that no code of laws governing a game has yet achieved such perfection as to cope with every situation. The code of Laws governing bowls is no exception. Unusual incidents not definitely provided for in the Laws frequently occur. t is well therefore to remember that the laws have been framed in the belief that true sportsmanship will prevail, that in the absence of any express rules, common sense will find a way to complete a happy solution to a knotty problem.