Licenced Dogs on Terrace at BBC

Approved at General Assembly 29th June 2024

Applying for a licence
This must be made by the owner in writing and sent to the Secretary of BBC.
The application must include the name, breed and age of the dog; it must also include the name of a club member that knows the dog and is willing to second the application.
A recent photo of the dog should also be submitted with the application for clarity.
The application is circulated to club members by email asking for any objections and the reasons for the objection – objections must relate to the individual dog and not relate to dogs in general – members have 1 week to raise any objection.
After 1 week the Board considers any objections raised and may ask the owner to respond to those objections.
The Board makes their decision and advises the owner of that decision.
If the application is successful the owner is given a licence – this needs to be produced when challenged by any other club member.
The licence grants the dog lifetime membership unless it is revoked by the Board at some future time.

Licensed dogs:

  • must be well behaved
  • must not make excessive noise
  • must be kept on a lead at all times
  • are only allowed on the paved area of the terrace
  • must be removed immediately by the owner if causing a disturbance
  • must not be fed on the terrace
  • must not foul on the terrace and any toilet mess created in any other part of the club grounds must be cleaned up immediately.

Revoking a licence
If a licensed dog breaks any of the stated rules on more than one occasion a club member may apply to the Board (in writing via the Secretary) asking for the licence to be revoked.
The request must state the rule(s) broken, the date(s) of the infringement(s) and any witnesses to said infringement(s). The owner will be advised of this request and has the right to reply either in writing or by appearing before the Board.
The licence is temporarily suspended whilst the circumstances are investigated by the Board.
The Board may, if it so wishes, consult the witnesses referred to in the request – a named witness has the right to refuse to comment.
The Board will make their decision and advise the owner of that decision.

If the licence is revoked the Secretary will advise all club members via email.
The owner may re-apply for a licence for the same dog after a period of no less than 2 years.




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